What is Digital Transformation? In simple terms Digital Transformation (or DX as the abbreviation goes) is how organisations adopt technology to improve the way they do business, and in the case of industry sectors it can sometimes be how technology is adopted to disrupt the way business is done altogether (think Uber like apps and the taxi industry).
Examples on the basic end of the spectrum for the meat processing industry can be Processors standardising digital assets, going “paperless”, or connecting mobile devices (internet of things) into intelligent information networks. And on the leading edge of the spectrum examples could be adopting pioneering processing technologies as part of their operations or introducing a unified, intelligent reporting and control software layer (MES) to fragmented software packages to get the leading edge on their manufacturing processes (like our FUSION solution). The bottom line is, when done right, DX will impact every aspect of your business, linking it together to create an efficient digital operation.
Are You Digitally Determined?
Research firm IDC defines organisations that are making the strategic, organizational, technological, and financial decisions that will set them up to digitally transform their organization in the next several years as being “digitally determined.” IDC predicts that by 2020, 55% of organisations in the manufacturing and supply chain industries in the Asia Pacific region will be digitally determined.
Are You Ready for Disruption or a Disruptor?
One important outcome of DX is about efficiency and resiliency to industry disruption. In a recent broad industry survey IDC found that businesses are focussed in one of the following categories:
- Efficiency & Effectiveness – 60% of businesses focussed on doing the things they do today better.
- Disruption Resilient – 22% of businesses focussed on readying and being resilient for market disruption by having the right technologies in place to adapt quickly to change.
- The Disrupters – 18% of businesses focussed on technology and new business models to dramatically reimagined ones i.e. to disrupt their industries and become the market leaders.
What Can Triton Do for You?
Triton can assist in many ways for your business to travel the path of Digital Transformation enabling you to be disruption resilient and possibly even a disrupter. Our new FUSION platform is one of many products available that assists in creating unparalleled insight and control into your manufacturing operations, as well as giving you the ability to adapt quickly to market requirements and changes. With over 35 years of experience in the meat processing sector in Australia and New Zealand Triton has the experience, insight and products to be the right partner to help your organisation navigate the digital transformation age.