Stock Scan
Stock Scan helps Stock Managers and dispatch teams improve service levels, prevent mistakes in rotation and shelf life management, and minimise losses. It operates like a spreadsheet ledger with opening balances, movements inward and outward, and current balance.
Main Benefits
- Advanced stock management solution for raw goods, carcases, and finished goods
- Customised ledger view can include plant, store, location, cartons, weight, dates, and pallets
- Provides age warnings
- Includes load and inventory reports with production date drill through
- Visibility of stock on hand, on sales order, available
- Ensure accurate shipping against order
- Reduce claims and errors
The rise in reducing inventories through the supply chain has intensified and put dangerous demands on despatch teams. Customer demands and poor visibility of inventories makes fulfilment difficult, especially with last-minute order changes. Mistakes in rotation and shelf life management can diminish profits and damage customer relationships.
Triton Stock Scan enables plants to better manage dynamic inventories and improve customer service, for raw goods, chillers, and finished goods. It interfaces with other modules to ensure orders are received and entered accurately and efficiently.
Scanners automatically update the movement of stock to provide a self-managed solution, making the order processing and dispatch cycle more visible, accessible and easier to manipulate. This results in accurate dispatch against orders, less internal waste and fewer delivery claims.
It assigns products to an order through barcode scanning, either by piece, carcase, carton or pallet. This allows operators to dispatch whole pallets by simply scanning one barcode where implemented. Individual cartons can also be transferred from a pallet or shipped, and the remaining pallet lot is automatically updated.

Inventory & Sales Software Modules
Stock Scan
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