Livestock Manager
Livestock Manager software ties booking and receipt processes into the kill agenda, providing comprehensive inventory of all animals on the plant. The flexible solution can be mob or individual-animal RFID based, and it allows yard, NLIS and supplier status to be incorporated, enabling meaningful market checks prior to slaughter.
Simplifies the booking and receipt process
Matches expectations and bookings to actual receipts
Forms interactive kill agenda
Allows additional yard and heath data to be added
- Can be mob or individual animal RFID based
With Livestock Manager, lot booking and receipt information such as agent, buyer, market, purchase mode, farmer, carrier, NVD (or eNVD, ASD) are all captured, and this info flows through into the weigh grade kill agenda. The tool automates information tracking and simplifies regulatory auditing. Livestock clerks can plan for livestock deliveries and the package is flexible enough to allow a lot receipt without a booking. Expectations and bookings are matched to actual receipts.
Additional yard and health data can be added to the mob or to individual animals. This can be attached to individual animals (where these are identified by tags – usually RFID), the whole lot or just a delivery. When appropriate, this information creates carcass or mob alerts for operators when the carcass or mob is processed at a workstation.
The livestock clerk or weigh grade supervisor selects and updates the receipted livestock (Stock Available for Processing) into a kill agenda that flows through to become the weigh grade mob table. Lot Manager flows through to other area to reduce double entry and streamline the process.
Lot Manager supports both mob based for small stock or individual animal RFID based for cattle, deer (NZ) and the likely mandatory requirement in some regions for sheep/goats.
Primary Processing Software Modules
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