Weigh Grade
Weigh Grade is a highly configurable solution built like an information conveyor belt. It systematically adds data to individual kill agenda records and tracks each animal from the yards all the way through the slaughter process. Access real-time displays of production progress and predicted throughput requirements from plant or office. Use manual grading or objective grading to eliminate errors inherent with human choice.
Automated grading features reduce costly human errors
Manual double entry is eliminated, improving speed and accuracy
Provides detailed, real-time, user-defined reporting
In-house and industry grade processed simultaneously
- Individual body accountability and comprehensive detail
Triton Systems Weigh Grade module is easy to use for kill floor operators, yet provides in-depth real-time information and reporting for plant managers and office staff.
A multi-species system for beef, sheep, pigs, deer, goats and game, it is easily configured for multiple species, and operates as fast as 16 units + per minute. Along the way, touch screens capture relevant information, including live weight, NLIS/NAIT records, ear/tail tag, sex, dentition, animal health, defects, fat depth and weight. Once configured, Weigh Grade continues to run, freeing processors and managers to attend to other duties.
Initial grading information is provided automatically by the lot agenda, and then is edited only as required by the operator. This offers incredible speed, accuracy and simplicity, and reduces costly human errors. Often, it is as simple as a single key press to access fat depth readings.
The intuitive, robust tool is designed with Triton’s failsafe architecture, which ensures your production never stops, despite external downtime events.
Weigh Grade integrates completely and seamlessly, connecting kill floor systems with the NLIS database and to livestock costing, payments and feedback. It brings improved visibility, stability and control to your processing facility and contributes to better efficiency and profitability.

Primary Processing Software Modules
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