Triton finished 2022 with a bang securing multiple major projects throughout the year and commenced 2023 with multiple new solution implementations. Further wins in early 2023 see additional projects in the planning phase with a handful soon to progress to delivery or second stages.
Complete end to end software replacements in four Australian export accredited abattoirs (Beef and Lamb) have been awarded to Triton since December 2022 replacing local and international software venders. The customers were ultimately seeking our comprehensive yet user friendly software solution as well as access to the most established support and delivery team in Australasia. All of these projects utilised the majority of existing hardware aleady installed.
Two of the projects are already fully installed with the other two already in planning and early delivery phases. All four incorporate Livestock Bookings, Receipts, Payments, Primary Kill Processing, Further Processing Recording and Labelling, Sales and Inventory. Integrations to third party back office systems are also included.
Additionally, a domestic boning/trading operation also went live in January along with the first stage of an export boning and cold storage operation.
Our New Zealand operation has also installed a solution with a seafood packer with our seafood solution and a hide processor in 2023 with Hide / Skin Manager.
The latest project awarded is a retail ready packer that Triton need to create a schedule and communicate to a series of robots that will stack the orders directly for supply to supermarkets DC’s. The solution incorporates print and apply label applicators after the pallet wrapper to automate the application and validation of SSCC labels to pallets.
Should you wish to discuss your end to end MES software needs please feel free to contact our customer solutions teams in Australia on 1300 558 438
New Zealand on 03 3483 973
New Zealand on 03 3483 973